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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Crazy Eyes

Allow me to preface this blog by stating that when I am mad about something I blog.  I hope this doesn't cause my readers to think that I am an angry person, because generally, I am not.  In fact I have been accused of being "too nice," "too sweet," or even "too happy" at times.  However, writing out my feelings helps me to get over certain things.  Once I write out what I would like to say about the situation I find that it no longer plagues my thoughts.  Sometimes when I have issues with people in my life, I will write out my points in an essay complete with examples and arguments but then 9 times out of 10 delete it and never send it to them.  It simply helps to get it out of my brain and onto paper.  It works, try it!

So today I was driving to work and encountered a crazy person I thought warranted a blog.  I held my phone in my hand, unlocked it with my code, found mom's name in my "Favorites" list, and called her.  Suddenly I heard repetitive honking so I looked in my rear view mirror and spotted some freak trying to signal to me that I was a DWT (Driving While Texting) offender.  At least that is what I think he was signaling to me; it was either that or he was trying to tell me that he likes to point dramatically at his own hand.  I held up my phone to indicate to crazy man that I was actually talking on the phone rather than texting while driving, which clearly to him is on par with making love to Satan.  This did not satisfy him, he was clearly on a higher mission to make me more distracted and possibly run both of us off of the road.  That is when this guy drives up next to me on my left, rolls down the window on his passenger side and starts spewing language and flailing his arms about, all while driving down the highway at 65 miles per hour.  So dude, at this point you are more distracted by trying to shame me than I would have been had I actually BEEN texting, which I was not.

People, you don't need to be the texting police; that is what the actual police are for.  And to make it worse this dude sped off going about 75 in a 55 ahead of me after he felt he had made his spastic point.  So he was distracted while driving AND speeding but I am the bad guy for calling my mom.  I bet he doesn't even ever call his mom.  I wish that people would mind their own business more often and everything would be more peaceful.  Who is this guy to judge me and what I do in my car?  There are so many things that can distract people while they drive: quieting a screaming or fighting child in the back seat, smoking, eating, talking, singing, sneezing, making phone calls, typing in a GPS, etc.  The police, the law and more importantly citizens have no way to keep everyone from being distracted while driving all of the time.  Being on the highway is dangerous, we all know that, and the best we can do is try to be the most aware we can be all of the time.  For me this includes watching out for people who are distracted and keeping a cautious eye on them.  That being said, please watch out for a guy with crazy eyes in a maroon sedan, license plate DUM-528* driving on 71/75 south in Northern Kentucky...that guy is most likely distracted. 

*I completely made up this license plate number because I didn't want to "distract" myself enough to write down his real one.

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