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Friday, November 15, 2013


One of my favorite “soap box” issues lately stems from my intolerance of rival bickering.  So that I am clear, my motivations behind cheering for my team (my alma mater, UK) have nothing to do with hating UL and everything to do with traditions, family, memories and fun.  I have no interest in wasting my time and energy arguing back and forth about something that will never be settled: which team/school is better.

Please, be a fan of your team, but there is no reason to carry around anger towards other teams and fans.  I’ve said a thousand times, all fans are the same, so why do we have to hate each other?  Prejudice against rival teams’ fans seems to me to be the last socially acceptable form of bigotry (since homophobia seems to be finally mostly taboo.)  I have friends who are UL fans and UC fans and every other kind of fans, and I don’t want them to be sad or to have their feelings hurt. 

I do understand that some people enjoy some “friendly” rival back and forth, but I am definitely not one of them.  I’m not competitive; I don’t like confrontation, so please leave me out of it.  When I cheer for my team I’m not challenging yours or inviting banter.  I’m simply cheering.  There are too many other things to be upset or angry about in life that I don’t need to provoke anger in others over simple fandom. 

Go All The Teams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, August 17, 2013

racism is poo

            Recently there was a story passed around on Facebook about a little white baby girl who was “killed just for being white” in a predominately black neighborhood.  According to the author no one even heard about this child’s death-by-black because the liberal media pushed the story of black teen Treyvon Martin’s death relentlessly.  My mom frequently complains that there is nothing interesting on her Facebook News Feed but when I told her about that posting she proclaimed it to be blatantly racist and was likely then relieved for the quiet nature of her Facebook.

While I agree that the media sensationalizes stories for ratings; I have a hard time understanding how a person couldn’t see that post about the white girl, while sad if true, as nothing but a racist rant.  Do you even understand how many black children and teenagers die in poor neighborhoods every single day?  Do you know how many of their stories are passed over in favor of that of a suburban white girl gone missing for a few hours? 

            I understand that no one really knows what happened between Trayvon and George Zimmerman that tragic night.  But the fact that the media keeps obsessing over the story like some kind of Royal Baby Birth has nothing to do with the ridiculous idea that white news is somehow being repressed.  Look at Casey Anthony, Jaycee Dugard, Anthony Weiner and Jodi Arias, just to name a few.  The news certainly isn’t lacking for white stories or even white news casters.  And even if Trayvon’s story is deemed by some to be overplayed, it doesn’t make it any less sad or worth talking about.  The very fact that it sparked so much racial debate and anger shows that we have a long way to go in this country. 

            My Mom and I also frequently discuss (I love talking to my Mom) the abundance of complaints about having to “push 1 for English” on touch tone phones.  Is this really that much of an inconvenience or is it merely promoting fear in certain white hearts that they might not always be the majority?  I tend to lean towards the latter.  Americans are spoiled in that English is becoming the predominant language across the world.  We don’t have any trouble traveling to non-English speaking countries.  That is because most of the people in those countries learned actual English in high school, as opposed to the 5 words of Spanish we learn in 5 years of Spanish classes in America.  Most Americans have ancestors who spoke zero English when they stepped off of the boat and most of them experienced extreme prejudice just as Hispanic people are facing today.  Irish, Germans and Italians were all accused of “stealing ‘our’ jobs” at the time they immigrated.  Will this cycle ever end?  

            Traveling to NYC a couple of weeks ago I landed at JFK and stepped onto the runway into a maze of tunnels towards the terminal that would confuse even my own grandmother.  Next to me, however, was someone else’s grandmother who didn’t speak a word of English.  Luckily, that sweet lady caught my eye and I helped her navigate through.  I was so grateful for that little bit of Spanish I did retain because I was able to help her find “la maleta” (her suitcase) as well as her grandson who looked as relived as a mother finding a lost child.  This country is huge and full of every different kind of person.  Why can we not embrace our differences as the very thing that makes us beautiful?

I don’t want to fast forward my life nor do I wish that I lived in a different time.  I just wish that I could for a second peek into a future where racism is gone, breathe a sigh or relief and then keep on keepin’ on.  I understand things are better than they used to be and I rarely have to “unfriend” or block people for posts such as this.  But the thing is; I don’t want even a little bit of racism on my Facebook news feed.  It’s kind of like stepping in a little bit of dog poop.  It doesn’t really matter whether you step in a little pile or a big pile of poop; you still have shit on your shoe.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


I would like to apologize to all of my readers (my Mom and a few other friends, I can't even get Cristy to read this sometimes!) for my lack of posting over the past few months.  I am currently working on two separate books in the unlikely event I can get something published in the next year or so.  Yes, I do understand the level of unlikelyhood involved in making money writing.  I would probably be better off running around buying tickets for every lottery in the tri-state.  However, that doesn't require any skill so I am attempting to use this skill I have been developing, the only one I have much confidence in these days. 

In the mean time if anyone has any ideas of how to crack one's way into journalism, publishing or anything related to writing with zero experience or education related to the field, any suggestions would be appreciated.  Lottery tickets received in the mail will be taken as a sign that it is as impossible as I assume it to be.