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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cheese and Oreos

So, I have seriously neglected my blogging duties as of late, and the reason for that has one name. Cristy. I spend so much time trying to make her laugh via text, email or clever facebook postings (if they don’t come across as clever it’s cause we have inside jokes that you aren’t cool enough to understand, mmkay?!) that I have not needed this creative outlet. However the part of my brain that enjoys writing has begun to argue with the rest of my brain, and I am confident that is what has turned me into an Oreo Cookie addict. Yes, I have eaten a half a box of Oreos in the last couple of days….

Thus, I decided to blog about my adventures into veganism. No, I won’t lecture anyone…this time. I just have come to some conclusions worth sharing. Cheese is the best food on the planet. There, I said it. I love cheese and all its greasy, gooey, goodness. It holds casseroles together, it tops a taco and traps the yummy inside, it binds pasta dishes, makes pizza what it is and I have determined I will not be able to live much longer without my old friend, Cheese. Milk, I can do without. I think I could even learn to give up baked goods and other things that require eggs. They are weird little buggers anyways when you think about it. But Cheese is going to have to reenter my life, I just have to determine when.

I have also decided that had I not started dating a carnivore who can eat more than a giant after a 10k who fasted for a week before hand, then I might not have started craving the stuff so quickly. The biggest problem here is that I love to cook. I simply love cooking and having other people enjoy my creations. Cristy does not enjoy Peanut Butter and Jelly with vegetarian baked beans and broccoli with butter substitute. I mean, she is really nice and she would tell me she liked it and clean her plate but then I would be ordering her two large bacon pizzas with extra meat on the side in two hours time.

This diet has done a few things for me which I celebrate. First of all it has let me know that I CAN do this. I can live a vegan lifestyle and not starve. I believe that I will cut back on animal products in my life, for moral and health purposes and of course remain vegetarian.

Secondly, I have lost some weight, which always makes me happy. However one reason that I have yet to determine the end date of my vegan experience, is that I am worried I will put that weight back on immediately when I try to cram in three weeks worth of pizza, cheesy pasta, burritos, macaroni and cheese, sour creamy baked potatoes and god knows what else. Since I am dating the woman who can eat two Chipotle Burritos in one sitting and not gain an ounce on her tiny body, I fear that the only reason that I haven’t packed on weight recently given my crap-ass metabolism, is the V word. No, not that dirty minds, Veganism.

This will remain to be seen, but I am still thinking that if she has stuck around after finding nothing she likes to eat at my condo but lettuce with dressing, then she is probably a keeper…among other reasons.

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