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"Marjorie Morningstar" by Herman Wouk

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This post is gay

Times when it is acceptable to say “That/this is so gay!”

• Pointing at a picture of Ellen Degeneres, Queen Latifa and Drew Barrymore
• Standing on the sidewalk watching a gay pride parade
• Observing two of your friends move in together way too soon in a relationship
• Tipping a Drag Queen at Adonis
• Gesturing enthusiastically at a large Rainbow Flag blowing in the breeze
• Witnessing two lesbians kissing (not two fakebians trying to get attention in a crowded club; that is so NOT gay)
• Reading “Heather Has Two Mommies”
• Participating in the gay softball league

Times when it is not acceptable to say “That/this is so gay.”

• Whispering it to a coworker while being forced to sit through a 3 hour meeting (Unless the meeting is regarding Lady Gaga or something equally literally gay)
• Noticing your best friend is wearing a pink shirt. Unless he is gay, then go ahead and call him gay…cause he is
• Making fun of a parent for saying something old fashioned or un-cool
• Sitting in traffic
• Waiting in a super long line for a latte at Starbucks
• Teasing a boy who is not very athletic
• Eating fancy French pastries

Basically just don’t use it as an insult to someone or something, or to refer to something as effeminate…mmkay?


  1. Love it! I love the Ellen, Drew, Latifah one especially. Too funny.
